I&M Bank House, 5th Floor, 2nd Ngong Avenue, Upper Hill, Nairobi, Kenya

Your Trusted Data Privacy Experts

We are a team of dedicated Data Privacy consultants, bringing together expertise from the fields of Legal, Cybersecurity, and ICT. Our mission is to deliver practical Data Privacy solutions tailored for both individuals and corporate organizations in Kenya.

With a wealth of combined experience in Data Privacy and Cybersecurity, we have earned the trust of our clients to provide comprehensive advice, implement effective strategies, and review global best practices in data protection. Our solutions not only address data privacy and security concerns but also minimize liability in the event of data breaches.

Service Offerings

Data Protection Services


Data Handler Registration Services

We assist companies with data protection registration, determining if they meet the criteria for registration with the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner.

Data Protection Audits

We understand the importance of maintaining strong data privacy practices. We offer comprehensive data protection audits to give your business a clear picture of its current "privacy hygiene."

Policy Development & Review

We understand the ever-evolving landscape of data protection. We offer a complete policy development service to ensure your organization has the necessary safeguards in place.

Data Protection Advisory

We are your trusted advisor, offering tailored data privacy solutions, including cross-border data transfers, Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs), and data subject management.

Trainings & Capacity Building

We offer comprehensive training and capacity building programs designed to equip all your staff members who handle personal data with the necessary knowledge and skills.

Virtual Data Protection Services

Our virtual data protection officer services offer an effective solution for organizations that may require a Data Protection Officer but do not wish to hire a full-time in-house Data Protection Officer.

Data Protection Litigation

While Barizi Data Privacy Services offers tailored data protection solutions, we are cognizant of the fact that data protection litigation may arise in certain instances.
Why us
Benefits of Our Virtual DPO

If you’re a business owner, you know that protecting your company’s sensitive data is crucial. However, hiring a full-time data protection officer (DPO) can be expensive and not practical for smaller businesses. That’s where our BDPS virtual data protection officer services come in. Our virtual DPO offers these crucial benefits for your business:

Our virtual DPO service is significantly more affordable than hiring a full-time DPO. With a virtual service, you only pay for the services you need, and you don’t have to worry about additional costs such as benefits, training, and other overhead expenses.

Our virtual DPO services provide access to experienced and knowledgeable data protection professionals. They are familiar with data protection laws and regulations, and they can help you ensure that your business is compliant with those laws. This expertise can be invaluable, especially for smaller businesses that don’t have in-house data protection experts.

A virtual DPO service offers customized services that are tailored to your specific business needs. They can help you identify and assess risks, develop policies and procedures, and implement security measures that fit your business model.

As your business grows, your data protection needs may change. At BDPS, our virtual DPO service can scale with your business, providing the necessary support and resources as you expand.

With a virtual DPO service, you have the flexibility to choose the services you need, when you need them. This can include conducting risk assessments, creating data protection policies, training employees, and providing ongoing support.

Protecting sensitive data can be stressful, especially if you’re not familiar with data protection laws and regulations. A virtual DPO service can provide peace of mind, knowing that your data is being handled by experts who are dedicated to protecting your business.


Overall, a virtual DPO can help your business develop and implement effective data protection strategies, ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations, and protect your business from potential data breaches and other data protection risks by .
  1. Ensuring compliance with data protection laws: A virtual DPO can help your business stay compliant with the various data protection laws and regulations that apply to your organization. They can provide guidance on best practices, conduct audits, and help you develop and implement policies and procedures to protect personal data.
  2. Managing data breaches: A virtual DPO can help your business respond to data breaches by providing guidance on how to investigate and contain the breach, notifying affected individuals, and reporting the breach to relevant authorities as required by law.
  3. Conducting risk assessments: A virtual DPO can conduct risk assessments to identify potential data protection risks and help your business mitigate them. This includes assessing the security of your data systems, identifying vulnerabilities, and developing strategies to address them.
  4. Training employees: A virtual DPO can provide training to your employees on data protection best practices, policies, and procedures. This can help your employees understand the importance of data protection and how to comply with relevant laws and regulations.
  5. Serving as a point of contact: A virtual DPO can serve as a point of contact for data protection authorities, customers, and other stakeholders. They can help your business respond to data protection inquiries and requests, and communicate with stakeholders about your data protection practices.

Yes, a virtual Data Protection Officer (DPO) can provide the same level of support as an in-house DPO, provided they have the necessary qualifications, experience, and expertise to fulfill the role.

Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), a DPO is responsible for advising and guiding their organization on compliance with data protection regulations, monitoring the organization's data protection practices, and acting as a point of contact for data protection authorities and data subjects.

Whether an in-house or virtual DPO, they must have the required knowledge, skills, and expertise to perform these tasks. An organization should select a DPO who has expertise in data protection law and practices, and who understands the specific risks and challenges faced by their organization.

A Data Protection Officer (DPO) is a critical role in ensuring that an organization complies with data protection regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). When it comes to hiring a DPO, organizations have two options: hiring an in-house DPO or a virtual DPO. Here are some benefits of hiring a virtual DPO over an in-house DPO:
  1. Cost-effective: Hiring a virtual DPO is often more cost-effective than hiring an in-house DPO. With a virtual DPO, you only pay for the services you need, whereas an in-house DPO requires a full-time salary, benefits, and other expenses.
  2. Expertise: Virtual DPOs often have more extensive expertise in data protection and privacy regulations because they work with multiple clients across different industries. This means they can provide a broader range of insights and guidance to your organization.
  3. Flexibility: A virtual DPO can work with your organization on a flexible schedule and as needed, rather than requiring a full-time presence in your office.
  4. Reduced Conflict of Interest: An in-house DPO may face conflicts of interest when required to report to company management while at the same time ensuring compliance with data protection regulations. With a virtual DPO, there is less potential for such conflicts.
  5. Access to a Wider Talent Pool: With a virtual DPO, you have access to a wider pool of talent across the world, allowing you to find the right person with the specific skills and experience your organization needs.
It is important to note that whether you choose an in-house DPO or a virtual DPO, the DPO must have the necessary knowledge and skills to carry out their duties effectively.

The setup time for a Virtual Data Protection Officer (DPO) service can vary depending on several factors, such as the complexity of your organization's data processing activities and the level of customization required for the service.

However, typically, the setup process for a Virtual DPO service can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks.

  1. Expertise in data protection regulations: A virtual DPO should have in-depth knowledge and understanding of data protection laws, such as the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Data Protection Act (DPA,2019), or other relevant regulations.
  2. Experience in data protection: A virtual DPO should have relevant experience in data protection, preferably in a similar role.
  3. Qualifications: While not a strict requirement, a virtual DPO should ideally hold relevant qualifications in data protection, such as the Certified Information Privacy Professional (CIPP) or Certified Information Privacy Manager (CIPM) certifications.
  4. Legal background: A virtual DPO with a legal background can be particularly valuable in providing legal advice on data protection matters.
  5. Industry-specific knowledge: A virtual DPO with experience in your industry can provide valuable insights into sector-specific data protection risks and compliance requirements.

The liability of a virtual DPO may depend on the terms of their contract and the level of control they have over the organization's data protection practices. If the virtual DPO has limited access to the organization's systems and data, and their role is advisory in nature, their liability may be limited. However, if the virtual DPO is responsible for overseeing the organization's data protection practices and has the authority to make decisions and enforce compliance, their liability may be higher.

Ultimately, whether a virtual DPO can be held personally liable for breaches or non-compliance issues will depend on the specific circumstances of the case. It is important for organizations to ensure that their virtual DPO has the necessary expertise and authority to fulfill their duties effectively and to mitigate the risk of liability.

A virtual Data Protection Officer (DPO) is a professional who provides data protection advice and guidance to businesses without being physically present in the company. If you're unsure whether your business needs a virtual DPO, here are a few things to consider:

  1. Is your business subject to GDPR or other data protection laws? If your business processes personal data of EU citizens, you are required to have a DPO under GDPR.
  2. Does your business process large amounts of personal data? If your business processes a significant amount of personal data, it may be beneficial to have a virtual DPO to ensure compliance with data protection laws.
  3. Is your business in a highly regulated industry? If your business operates in a highly regulated industry, such as healthcare or finance, a virtual DPO can help ensure compliance with complex data protection regulations.
  4. Does your business lack in-house expertise in data protection? If your business does not have staff with expertise in data protection, a virtual DPO can provide the necessary guidance and support.
  5. Do you want to reduce costs associated with hiring a full-time DPO? If your business is small or medium-sized and does not have the resources to hire a full-time DPO, a virtual DPO may be a more cost-effective solution.

Ultimately, the decision to hire a virtual DPO depends on your business's specific needs and circumstances. It may be helpful to consult with a data protection expert to determine whether a virtual DPO is the right choice for your business.

A Data Protection Officer (DPO) is a key position within an organization responsible for ensuring compliance with data protection regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). In the case of a virtual DPO, their role and responsibilities remain the same, but they perform their duties remotely.

Here are some ways a virtual DPO can ensure compliance with data protection regulations:

  1. Develop and implement policies and procedures: The DPO can develop and implement data protection policies and procedures that are in line with the relevant data protection regulations. These policies can cover data collection, processing, storage, and deletion.
  2. Conduct audits and risk assessments: The DPO can conduct regular audits and risk assessments to identify and mitigate potential data protection risks. This can involve reviewing data protection policies and procedures, as well as assessing the security measures in place for protecting data.
  3. Provide training and awareness: The DPO can provide training and awareness sessions to employees on data protection regulations and best practices. This can help employees understand their roles and responsibilities in protecting personal data and ensure compliance with regulations.
  4. Monitor compliance: The DPO can monitor compliance with data protection regulations by reviewing data protection policies, assessing data protection risks, and conducting regular audits. They can also ensure that any breaches of data protection regulations are reported to the relevant authorities as required.
  5. Stay up to date with data protection regulations: The DPO can stay up to date with changes in data protection regulations and best practices by attending relevant training, conferences, and webinars. This can help them keep abreast of any changes that may impact the organization's data protection policies and procedures.

Overall, a virtual DPO can play a crucial role in ensuring that an organization remains compliant with data protection regulations, despite the physical distance from the organization.

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