I&M Bank House, 5th Floor, 2nd Ngong Avenue, Upper Hill, Nairobi, Kenya

Request For Data Portability

For only:

KSh 1,000

Request For Data Portability

A Request for Data Portability Form is a document that individuals can use to request a copy of their personal data from an organisation in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format. This form enables users to easily transfer their data between different service providers, ensuring their information can be moved or reused without restrictions.

Designed to align with the provisions of the Data Protection Act. 2019, this form is suitable for businesses of all sizes and sectors. It streamlines the process of handling data portability requests, allowing individuals to exercise their right to move, copy, or transfer their personal data while ensuring your organisation remains compliant with legal obligations. Easy to customise and ready for immediate use, this form is an essential tool for supporting data mobility and enhancing customer trust.

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